Prayer Resources
Find examples of poems, prayers, and other helpful literature here.
Vow of Nonviolence
- Voices, a Cooperation Circle of the United Religions Initiative (URI), coordinates an annual Nuclear Prayer Day on August 6. To participate, go to
- Members of Pax Christi Maine created this Novena for Nuclear Disarmament especially for the participants in the Archdioceses of Santa Fe and Seattle’s 2023 pilgrimage to Japan. We offer it here to be prayed as an ongoing petition that God teach us to build a world without nuclear weapons and/or also to be prayed during the August commemorations of the Japan bombings.
- Prayer of His Holiness Pope Francis for the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
- Prayer for Justice and Peace, from the Roman Missal:
O God, who have revealed that peacemakers are to be called your children, grant, we pray,
that we may work without ceasing to establish that justice which alone ensures true and lasting peace.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.