Please join us for a special day with Frida Berrigan. Together, we will explore the “thread” of living the love of Gospel Nonviolence as a spiritual and activist means of addressing the personal and systemic violence that hinders the flourishing of the global community.
Frida, lovingly nurtured by her parents, Philip Berrigan and Liz McAllister, was raised in/by the Jonah House Catholic Worker community. She is a gifted writer, a prophetic peace activist, a wife and mother, and a community leader. Frida is connected with the War Resisters League, Pax Christi, and the Catholic Worker movement. She is the co-founder of Witness Against Torture, and the author of “It Runs in the Family: On Being Raised by Radicals and Growing into Rebellious Motherhood.” In her serious dedication to the works of peace and resistance, she warmly cultivates hope, and creates joy.
There will be a panel presentation in the afternoon.