PCMA Winter-Spring 2025 Newsletter now available

Spring-Winter newsletter offers deep dive on Gaza, introduction to PCAN and local chapter updates

Published this week, the Winter-Spring newsletter offers several articles on the Gaza debacle, including an in-depth essay, rooted in the Pax Christi model of Study/Pray/Act, by Board of Directors Co-Coordinator Philip J. Harak, Ed.D. 

Other articles include a Gaza reflection from Jeanne Allen, coverage of the Gaza witness at Holy Cross Cathedral in Boston in December by Jeanne Connerney and an introduction to a newly expanded and renamed campaign to 

abolish nuclear weapons, by Newsletter Editor Mike Moran.

Rounding out the issue are updates from local chapters, a recap of the Fall Assembly, and the flyer for the upcoming April 12 Spring Retreat. (Register Now!)

Click here for a PDF copy of the Winter-Spring newsletter.

For past newsletters, please visit our Newsletters Archive page.

PCMA supports Smith College SJP Rally for Gaza and Free Speech

Smith College students and community partners who protested the Israel-Hamas war last spring rallied again on Thursday, February 27, to urge divestment from genocide, to condemn “scholasticide” (the destruction of the education system) in Palestine, and to relax restrictions on free speech on campus.

The Smith College chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine and Demilitarize Western Massachusetts organized the rally, which featured speakers from various community organizers throughout the region. Pax Christi Massachusetts co-sponsored the event, along with Demilitarize Western Massachusetts, Western Massachusetts CODEPINK, River Valley DSA, Hampshire College SJP, Liyang Western Massachusetts, River Valley for Gaza Healthcare, Leahy Fast for Palestine, River Valley PSL, Western Massachusetts SURJ, Valley Families for Palestine, Massachusetts Peace Action (MAPA), and Western Massachusetts Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP).

Showing steadfast support in spite of the rain, Smith College SJP and community supporters rallied on campus Thursday, February 27, 2025. At right is Rev Dr. Peter Kakos, from First Churches Northampton Peace and Justice Committee. Dr. Kakos served as emcee and spoke for the First Churches Peace and Justice Committee.