PCMA Winter-Spring 2025 Newsletter now available

Spring-Winter newsletter offers deep dive on Gaza, introduction to PCAN and local chapter updates

Published this week, the Winter-Spring newsletter offers several articles on the Gaza debacle, including an in-depth essay, rooted in the Pax Christi model of Study/Pray/Act, by Board of Directors Co-Coordinator Philip J. Harak, Ed.D. 

Other articles include a Gaza reflection from Jeanne Allen, coverage of the Gaza witness at Holy Cross Cathedral in Boston in December by Jeanne Connerney and an introduction to a newly expanded and renamed campaign to 

abolish nuclear weapons, by Newsletter Editor Mike Moran.

Rounding out the issue are updates from local chapters, a recap of the Fall Assembly, and the flyer for the upcoming April 12 Spring Retreat. (Register Now!)

Click here for a PDF copy of the Winter-Spring newsletter.

For past newsletters, please visit our Newsletters Archive page.